T E C h O C E A N H U B

Creating and managing threads

In Java, you can create and manage threads using the Thread class or the Runnable interface. Here’s an overview of how to create and manage threads in Java:

  1. Extending the Thread class:
    • Create a new class that extends the Thread class.
    • Override the run() method, which contains the code that will be executed in the thread.
    • Instantiate an object of your new class and call the start() method to start the thread.


class MyThread extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        // Code to be executed in the thread

// Creating and starting the thread
MyThread thread = new MyThread();
  1. Implementing the Runnable interface:
    • Create a new class that implements the Runnable interface.
    • Implement the run() method from the interface, which contains the code to be executed in the thread.
    • Create a new Thread object, passing an instance of your class to the constructor.
    • Call the start() method on the thread object to start the thread.


class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        // Code to be executed in the thread

// Creating and starting the thread
Thread thread = new Thread(new MyRunnable());

Both approaches have their benefits. Extending the Thread class is useful when you need to customize thread behavior or access the thread’s methods directly. Implementing the Runnable interface is more flexible because it allows you to implement multiple interfaces and perform other tasks while sharing the same thread.

Thread management:

  • You can control the execution of threads using methods such as sleep(), join(), and interrupt().
  • The sleep() method suspends the execution of the current thread for a specified amount of time.
  • The join() method waits for a thread to complete before the current thread resumes execution.
  • The interrupt() method interrupts a thread, causing it to throw an InterruptedException.
  • You can also set thread priorities using the setPriority() method to assign higher or lower importance to threads.

Example of thread management:

class MyThread extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        try {
            // Code to be executed in the thread
            Thread.sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Thread was interrupted

// Creating and starting the thread
MyThread thread = new MyThread();

// Waiting for the thread to complete
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    // Thread was interrupted while waiting

Remember to handle exceptions appropriately when working with threads, as exceptions thrown within threads cannot be caught by the calling thread directly.

This is a basic overview of creating and managing threads in Java. For more advanced scenarios, you may need to explore concepts like synchronization, thread pools, and other concurrency utilities provided by Java.

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