T E C h O C E A N H U B

Arrays and collections

In Java, arrays and collections are used to store and manipulate groups of elements. Arrays are fixed in size, while collections provide more flexibility and dynamic resizing capabilities. Here’s an overview of basic array and collection concepts in Java:


  • Declaring an array: To declare an array, you specify the type of elements it will hold and the name of the array. For example, to declare an array of integers named “numbers,” you would use: int[] numbers;
  • Creating an array: After declaring an array, you need to create it by specifying the size in square brackets. For example, to create an array of 5 integers, you would use: numbers = new int[5];
  • Initializing an array: You can initialize an array with specific values using an initializer list. For example: int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  • Accessing array elements: Array elements are accessed using an index starting from 0. For example, to access the first element of the “numbers” array, you would use: int firstNumber = numbers[0];
  • Array length: You can determine the length of an array using the length property. For example, to get the length of the “numbers” array, you would use: int length = numbers.length;


  • Java Collections Framework: Java provides a Collections Framework, which is a set of interfaces and classes for working with collections. Some commonly used collection interfaces are List, Set, and Map.
  • List interface: The List interface represents an ordered collection of elements where duplicate values are allowed. Some common implementations of the List interface are ArrayList and LinkedList.
  • Set interface: The Set interface represents a collection of elements where duplicate values are not allowed. Some common implementations of the Set interface are HashSet and TreeSet.
  • Map interface: The Map interface represents a mapping between a key and a value. Each key in a Map must be unique. Some common implementations of the Map interface are HashMap and TreeMap.
  • Adding elements: Collections provide methods to add elements to the collection, such as add() or addAll(), depending on the specific implementation.
  • Removing elements: Collections provide methods to remove elements, such as remove() or removeAll(), depending on the specific implementation.
  • Iterating over elements: Collections can be iterated using loops or iterators. For example, you can use a for-each loop to iterate over the elements of a collection.
  • Collection size: You can determine the size of a collection using the size() method.

These are just basic concepts, and there’s a lot more to explore when working with arrays and collections in Java. The Java API documentation provides more details on various collection interfaces and classes available in the Java Collections Framework.

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