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Category Java Basics

Arrays and collections

In Java, arrays and collections are used to store and manipulate groups of elements. Arrays are fixed in size, while collections provide more flexibility and dynamic resizing capabilities. Here’s an overview of basic array and collection concepts in Java: Arrays:…

Operators and expressions

In Java, operators are symbols that perform specific operations on one or more operands (variables, constants, or literals) and produce a result. Expressions, on the other hand, are combinations of operators, operands, and method invocations that evaluate to a single…

Variables and data types

In Java, variables are used to store data values that can be manipulated and accessed throughout a program. Java is a statically-typed language, which means that each variable must have a declared data type. Here are some common data types…

Structure of a Java program

A Java program is typically structured in the following way: Package Declaration (Optional): You can declare a package at the beginning of your Java file to organize your classes into logical groups. Import Statements (Optional): You can import other Java…