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Parameters and Arguments

In JavaScript, functions can be defined to take in data and perform operations on it. This data is passed through parameters and arguments. Here’s a breakdown of the difference with an example:


  • These are placeholders defined within the function’s parentheses when it’s created.
  • They act like variables that will hold the data passed during the function call.
  • You can specify multiple parameters separated by commas.


  • These are the actual values you provide when you call the function.
  • They are matched with the parameters in the order they are defined.
  • The number of arguments you provide should ideally match the number of parameters in the function.


def calculate_area(length, width):
  # Function body using parameters length and width
  area = length * width
  return area
  • In this example, length and width are the parameters. They specify that the function expects two values, presumably the length and width of a rectangle.
  • When you call this function, you provide the actual values, which are the arguments.

Here’s how you might call the function:

function greet(name) {  // "name" is the parameter
  console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");

greet("Alice"); // "Alice" is the argument

In this example:

  • The greet function has one parameter, name.
  • When we call greet("Alice"), “Alice” becomes the argument.
  • Inside the function, name takes the value of the argument “Alice”, and the greeting is printed with that name.

Key Points:

  • Parameters allow you to define the type of data the function expects.
  • Arguments provide the actual data you want the function to work with.
  • Functions can be called with different arguments each time, making them reusable.

Additional Concepts:

  • Default Parameters: You can set default values for parameters in case no argument is provided during the call.
  • Rest Parameters: Introduced in ES6, these allow functions to accept an indefinite number of arguments, collecting them into an array.
  • The arguments object: This is a legacy feature in JavaScript that provides access to arguments passed to a function within its body. However, it’s generally recommended to use rest parameters or function destructuring for modern JavaScript practices.

By understanding parameters and arguments, you can create flexible and reusable functions in JavaScript!




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