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Category Java

Setting up Java environment

To set up a Java environment, you need to follow these steps: Install Java Development Kit (JDK): Visit the Oracle website or OpenJDK website to download the latest version of JDK. Choose the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows,…

History and features of Java

Java is a widely used programming language that was developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation) in the mid-1990s. It was designed with the goal of being platform-independent, robust, secure, and easy…

Custom Checked and Custom Unchecked exception in Java.

The previous post was just the briefing about custom Exception but now in this post, I am detailing the custom checked and custom Unchecked exception. First, let us see the basic differences between these two. Custom Checked Exceptions  The class…

How to make Custom Exceptions in Java

In our previous post, we have learned about types of exceptions, throws and throw. Today we are going to make a custom-defined exception, in simple means we will create an exception according to our requirement.  Basically, there are two types…

Handling Exception through try, catch, finally.

In the previous post we learned that how exceptions are created and here we are going to see what keywords are used to handle exception, and they are try, catch and finally. Below there is a structure explaining the  methodology…

Exception Handling in Java

Exception handling is a concept which handles problems or exceptions which arise during normal execution of a problem, in this scenario normal execution of a program gets disrupted. For example, a file which we are trying to open can not…

Abstraction in Java

Abstraction is the process of hiding the implementation details and  showing the required functionality to the user. In Java abstraction is achieved through abstract classes and interfaces. Some Features of abstract classes. In abstract class there are both abstract and…