Top 3 best web hosting providers in 2020.

I am going to get detailed into the top 3 best hosting providers. You may have heard about Bluehost,  Hostinger, and Hostgator.  It helps you with your one-click WordPress website, e-commerce website, and web hosting server. Bluehost This company is…

Custom Checked and Custom Unchecked exception in Java.

The previous post was just the briefing about custom Exception but now in this post, I am detailing the custom checked and custom Unchecked exception. First, let us see the basic differences between these two. Custom Checked Exceptions  The class…

How to make Custom Exceptions in Java

In our previous post, we have learned about types of exceptions, throws and throw. Today we are going to make a custom-defined exception, in simple means we will create an exception according to our requirement.  Basically, there are two types…

Learn val and var keyword in Kotlin-Chapter-2

Today we are going to learn about the keywords we are going in order to declare a variable in kotlin, those keyword are val and var. There is not vast difference between them but it can create amajor changes in…