What is lateinit keyword in kotlin?(Chapter-12)

The defination of lateinit keyword is very simple as the name suggest it says ” Late initialization“. This keyword is often considered as one of the best feature which makes kotlin more advantageous to use but we should not confuse…

Inheritance in Kotlin – (Chapter-8)

We have worked with inheritance concepts in Java, c#, and many other languages, but now let’s see how the inheritance concept works with Kotlin. By definition, we all know that inheritance means acquiring some or whole properties of the parent…

Understand Two Way binding in Vue JS – 4

In this lesson we will see example regarding , how to pass the data both the way. Two way data binding means: When the user types in the input , value gets updated to match the value in input . When you update…

Understand the Events in Vue3 JS – 2

This chapter provide the basic example of event handling in Vue JS Example: In this example, we can see, how to call method on button click event for that I have added 2 buttons, Add and Subtract to increase and…

Introduction of Vue 3 JS – 1

This chapter provide the basic example, how to create the Vue 3 JS app You can read more detail about the vue3 JS installation Example: In this example, we can see the basic tag to create Vue3 app, and…

Basic Git commands

This is important thing in software Development to have knowledge about Basic Git command. Git Task Command Tell Git who is using Configure the author name and email address to be used with your commits. Note that Git strips some characters (for…