Foundations of Java
This post is about basics and foundations on which Java stands like JRE, JVM and byte code, basic principles as well as the structure and how Java compiles and run your program and which command is used to run a…
This post is about basics and foundations on which Java stands like JRE, JVM and byte code, basic principles as well as the structure and how Java compiles and run your program and which command is used to run a…
As people say Recycler view is difficult to understand but it is very flexible in nature as it provides dynamic features as compared to the ListView and Custom Adapter or you can say it is a combination of listview and…
The simplest way to create a menu item is through a selection of activity when we choose an activity before starting a program. Android has made a lot of things easy for us to see and implement. Just like they…
A much-discussed and seems difficult topic, but it is of very much importance in terms of representing more than one form of view type. For example, taking as many texts and images together Let me show you the basic view…
Have you noticed menu items on the action bar? When you click you will see list of menu items to be clicked on. Given below is an overall look at a simple menu item created. Normally menu items are used…
A simple Listview has a very plain look, but if you have textview to view it on then Listview with array adapter is the best option to choose. A basic view of Listview with array adapter:- If you wanted to…