T E C h O C E A N H U B

Let’s see throw, throws keyword in Exception Handling.

We have heard about the throw and throws keyword in Exception handling, which tends to be an important part of handling an exception.

  1. In simple terms, the throws keyword is used in a method declaration to show that this type of exception might occur.
  2. When we talk about the throw keyword which is used to throw one exception and is also used for a custom-defined exception.


The above diagram clearly explains the throw and throws keyword and now let’s discuss the differences between throw and throws.


  • The throw keyword is used inside the function or inside a block of code.
  • In throw keyword, exceptions must be of type throwable class.
  • We can throw only a single exception at a time.


  • This keyword is used with method signature and declares an exception, which might be thrown by a method.
  • We can declare multiple exceptions with the throws keyword.
  • Throws keyword declares an exception.

Now let us see the basic example of the throw and throws keyword.

  //throws keyword example
  package multipleCatch;
 public class Multiple{
   public static void main(String[] args)throws ArithmeticException {
       int a=5,b=0,c;
        try {
        catch(Exception e) {
            System.out.println("exception is "+e);
 //throw keyword example
  package multipleCatch;
  public class Multiple{
      int a=5,b=0,c;
      void checkException() {
           try {
              throw new ArithmeticException("not allowed");
            catch(Exception e) {
      public static void main(String[] args){
          Multiple multiple=new Multiple();

Feel free to try this example and comment below.

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