T E C h O C E A N H U B

Learn how to handle event in VueJs.

In this post, I have tried to explain about different events in VueJs. In  simple words events are action  triggered by system for example:

  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events

Mouse events can be recognized as double click, or on hover event by mouse.

In below example, I am going to explain different events  like click event and key event and  also I have tried to explain stop propagation and prevent propagation in VueJs. So below is a sample code provided to you.

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        <script src="../vue.js"></script>    
            <div id="app">              
                 <input type="button" v-on:click="changeMessage(‘in vue’, $event)"  value="Click here"/>                         
                 <p v-on:click="preventEvents">                
                     <span v-on:click.stop="preventEvents">This is span Element</span>                
                     <a href="http://google.com" v-on:click.stop.prevent="preventEvents">Go to google</a>            
                     <input type="text"  @keyup.enter.space="alertMessage" :value="textStr">                
            new Vue({                
                      mymessage:"Welcome to Vue.js Learning",                    textStr:"EnterText"                                             
                    changeMessage(str, event){                       
                        this.mymessage="Learn Event Handling "+str                    
                        alert("This is Tag: "+event.target.tagName);                    
                        alert("Key Event call");                

Feel free to try this example and comment below.

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