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What is an API in Web Development?

Api stands for application programming interface. most people get confused about what actually means  by using an API. In simpler terms API is an interface or a medium in which two pieces of software communicate with each other. There are different Api’s which are  available free of use by anyone like Facebook Api, Google Map api. Some are free and some require payment.

All API work in a way, like if we want to use mobile, we have to use it as it has been developed for specific purpose , and we will not be able to use the mobile unless and until we use it in a proper requested way. The same applies for an API , if we request information from other software, we can access them by using an interface between them. The interface is nothing but an API that keeps complex code hidden from you.

Some Uses of an API.

  1. The most important use of an API is that it communicates the program on behalf of us.
  2. With an API complex code is hidden from us.
  3. API helps a developer in making a call or request in order to send or receive a specific information.
  4. An API  is a box of complicated code and function which helps in the interacting process.

Some of the request methods that can be made with API.

Some information about these methods.

GET:-It helps in capturing information, in other words, gets the information.

POST:-It helps in send or add information.

PUT:-It is used to updating or editing information.

DELETE:-It deletes a particular data from information.

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