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Let’s learn how to create a method in kotlin-Chapter-4

In the previous post, we made a HelloWorld program in Kotlin, that was quite simple but today we will see how to make a simple method or function in Kotlin. 

Basically, the declaration of function starts with a fun keyword. The simple syntax of function will look like below:-

             fun addMethod(){

Kotlin takes a return type of a method in a simple manner like:-

            fun addMethod():Int{

Now let us see a simple code that explains the creation of a simple method in kotlin.

  package adapter.manasvi.com.simpleproject
  import android.app.Application
  import android.content.Context
  import android.os.Bundle
  import android.util.Log
  import android.widget.TextView
  import android.widget.Toast
  import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
  import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.*
  class HelloWorld : AppCompatActivity() {
      val str:String="Hello World"
      override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {        
       fun someMethod() {        

Feel free to read and try the above example.

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